A descendant of the legendary mythical creatures known as Nians, Kurisu Kowa was always an outcast among the other Nians because of her peaceful and friendly nature. Choosing to see humans as friends not food, Kurisu would often try to make friends with the villagers from the nearby town. Seeing her monstrous looks however, the villagers would shoot fireworks at her instead to scare her away.
Heartbroken, Kurisu hid in her cave and cried for a long time...before finally emerging as a human girl! Finding herself lost in the 21st century, Kurisu discovers the internet and gets hooked immediately. She now streams online as a way to feed her growing addiction while making new friends!

Live tag: #Kurishere
Art tag: #Kurayon
Meme tag: #Kuringe

Birthday: 15th February
Height: 150 cm
Weight: 940 kg (pure muscle)
Age: Really olddddddddddd