DEVILS BEWARE!! This #HOBBYCON2022, Projek Hikayat will be joined by Kupikupifm 96.3 at Borneo's largest ACG Convention!
Come to SICC, Kota Kinabalu on 17th to 18th December (10 am - 7 pm) for exciting activities, giveaways, exclusive merchandise and a chance to meet Kupikupifm 96.3's amazing announcers in cosplay!!
So come on over to Booth C2 at Hobbycon 2022 to say hi and learn more about the amazing world of VTubing.
For more information about Hobbycon, head on over to https://www.facebook.com/hobbycon/ to get your tickets.
Check out Sabah's number 1 local radio with heart, Kupikupifm 96.3 at https://www.facebook.com/kupikupifm/.
Jom kita, ramai-ramai aramaiti kat #HOBBYCON2022 🥳